CAPR's blog

Logging to Proceed in Jefferson County Despite Corporate Environmentalists

Logging to proceed in Jefferson County, despite Corporate Environmentalists attempt to halt project. The claim was that the logging threatened Marbled Murrelet. Funny, because in this second article, environmentalists claim the endangered Taylors Checkerspot butterfly was at risk due to habitat loss, part of that habitat was cleared forests...

Water Rights Deal Challenged

Two holders of senior water rights want to tell a state growth board that the Kittitas County government’s water banking plans will harm their rights to use and sell their water. The county’s settlement agreement with the Kittitas County Conservation Coalition, the statewide Futurewise and Upper County’s Ridge group involves changing county rural land-use rules to better protect the rural nature of lands outside of local cities from housing sprawl.

Rails to Trails Sham...

Six years ago, King County and Port of Seattle officials gathered in front of the Wilburton railroad trestle in Bellevue to announce what they said was a historic purchase. They were buying a rail corridor along the Eastside from BNSF Railway to convert it to “the granddaddy of all trails,” as then King County Executive Ron Sims called it. They also hoped to run commuter trains on the tracks someday. Officials for the two local governments fist-bumped on that May 2008 day as the sale papers were signed. The deal cost taxpayers $81 million.

Open Letter to the DOE from CAPR Spokane RE: Comments Re. DOE-Preliminary Draft Rule for Spokane River Instream Flow Rule

Spokane Chapter of CAPR-Citizens’ Alliance for Property Rights May 30, 2014 Department of Ecology Bellingham Field Office Attn: Ann Wessel 1440 10th Street, Suite 102 Bellingham, WA 98225-7028 RE: Comments Re. DOE-Preliminary Draft Rule for Spokane River Instream Flow Rule May 30, 2014

The Spokane Chapter of CAPR (Citizens’ Alliance for Property Rights) wishes to again thank your Spokane DOE employees for presenting at our March 27th meeting concerning the not yet released Spokane River Instream Flow Rule. Our chapter would like to take this opportunity to ask questions and add comments into the permanent record.


Open Letter to Washington State Representatives and Senators, Washington Media: DISTURBING MINING NEWS! KINROSS GOLD, BUCKHORN MINE CHESAW, WASHINGTON DISCLAIMER: Although I am a small scale mineral prospector and miner, I have no contractural or economic relationship with Kinross Gold, Buckhorn Mountain Mine. I am a concerned citizen. The following article appeared in the News Tribune, Local and Northwest section, May 30, 2014: CHESAW KINROSS ENDS EXPLORATION PROCESS. "after SPENDING $10 MILLION SEEKING PERMISSION TO EXPLORE FOR GOLD NEAR Chesaw, Kinross Gold says it is dropping the effort. The company says its proposal to drill more than 950 holes in search of more gold is being abandoned due to the cumbersome permit process.


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